Thursday, July 2, 2015

My First Video

So, thanks to my little actress, I was able to make my first video!

This one was a lot more fun to shoot that the Clear Lake project I've been working on. Not sure why. Maybe working with people is more exciting. Ella certainly kept me entertained. But she did everything I asked and listened to everything I said. So she was the perfect little model!

What I've discovered is that I definitely like editing video more than I like filming it. It's hard for me to get what I see in my head to play out the way I want it to. It doesn't always translate. Maybe when I get better, I'll like it more. Who knows? I think I have good ideas and I can picture them clearly in my head. They're just hard to execute once I get the camera in hand.

Some of the shots were a lot blurrier than I'd like, but I couldn't see out in the sun! And I didn't want to make Ella go back out for a redo since she was watching her toons so quietly! Haha.

So now I'm trying to think of some other fun little projects that I can do in my spare time. I'm open to suggestions!

But here's the video of Ella! Enjoy!


Look at this little ham. *crying laughing emoji*

I am now an expert in the art of sparkler photography, in case anyone would like to do some. Hah. But seriously, if you do, hit me up! 

Ella was convinced I couldn't write her name, so I did it.
Then we had a little visitor at the farm the next day!


XOXO, Ness

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