Thursday, July 16, 2015

Clear Lake

So this little project was actually in progress before I did the little Ella vid. But this one required me to film in multiple locations, so it took a lot longer!

This was a lot easier to film, even though it took longer. With Ella, if I missed something, I missed it. Sure, I could ask her to do it again, but I didn't want to lose her attention and have her get tired with the whole thing, so I didn't dare! With this one, if I needed to go back and shoot something again, I could. There were a few things that didn't really turn out, and I just didn't want to go back and do it again/ran out of time to shoot it again, but that's my own fault!

But without further adieu, here it is!

Clear Lake from Vanessa Rutters on Vimeo.

XOXO, Ness

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