Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Beach Highlight Video

Here's a video of the highlights from our trip to St. George Island, FL!


Family Vacation 2015 - St. George Island

XOXO, Ness

Monday, July 27, 2015

Family Vacation

We just got back from our yearly trip to St. George Island, and I miss my family already.

We have been going down there for a week in July for every summer since 1999! Kind blows my mind to think about it!

But we booked for next year, so hopefully everyone will be able to go!
Small feat, but I shot the whole vacation on aperture mode! (I'm pretty sure it was aperture mode, but whatever the case, it was not on auto!) Some of the pictures show it, kinda blurry or not very good, etc... but baby steps! And I have discovered that I LOVE natural light. Shooting outside has always been my favorite, but after using my new camera for a while, I REALLY love it!

I was on vacation, so not super into trying to improve my form, but I just had fun with it! Here are some pictures from the trip! I will be posting a little highlight video soon!

**Almost none of these are edited. Literally think I brought out some shadows in ONE, and that was it. Just not feeling like messing with it right now!

My favorite, favorite, favorite place.
Lookin' cute in her keener!
This was seriously the cutest suit!

Jana had some adult coloring books... So we all got in on that action!

I just love this kid!

That tongue!

From left to right:
Back: Michael, Bonnie, Dad, Mom, Jana, Connor
Middle: Andy, Alex, Laural, Ella
Front: Steve, Mary, Me

She was so flippin' cute in her fedora!

Can't wait for baby Mattson!! I'm predicting a boy! (but for the record, I am always wrong!)

Alex is clearly thrilled about being a big brother! Hah!

Here, he seems to have warmed up to the idea. Haha

Going to try to work on the picture-frame-in-the-sand pictures again next year! This year, pictures seemed particularly chaotic, (I didn't even get a picture with my mom!) so this was kind of an afterthought! And whoever started the "let's just leave," I'm mad at you! I turned around and half the family was just gone! Turds.

XOXO, Ness

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Clear Lake

So this little project was actually in progress before I did the little Ella vid. But this one required me to film in multiple locations, so it took a lot longer!

This was a lot easier to film, even though it took longer. With Ella, if I missed something, I missed it. Sure, I could ask her to do it again, but I didn't want to lose her attention and have her get tired with the whole thing, so I didn't dare! With this one, if I needed to go back and shoot something again, I could. There were a few things that didn't really turn out, and I just didn't want to go back and do it again/ran out of time to shoot it again, but that's my own fault!

But without further adieu, here it is!

Clear Lake from Vanessa Rutters on Vimeo.

XOXO, Ness