Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Some of My Favorite Commercials

In honor of MY LAST DAY OF CLASS EVER TOMORROW... I decided to post a few of my favorite commercials.

But seriously. How is tomorrow my last day of classes? On the one hand, it feels like it's taken forever to get here, but on the other, where did the time go?!

This one is probably my favorite. The VW laughing commercial.

This one takes me back to high school... A lot of people hated this one, but I loved it! "Oh no! your tire's all flat and junk..."

I love the Mayhem commercials. Hard to pick which one is the best. I also really like the raccoon one.

Google Chrome commercials are so cute. I couldn't pick just one. Dear Sophie!

Parisian Love

Roll Tide. I lived there for a year, and I have to say... This happens. A lot. Like all the time actually. It's not exaggerated at all!

This one's for my uncle! Friends Furever. iPhone, you needa step up your commercials because Androids are usually a lot better!

But I do like the old school iPod commercials! This was posted 9 years ago... Feeling old.

And of course, the best of all time. Like Mike.

So there they are. I'm sure I missed some. I can even think of some right now! But this is a good mix for now.


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