Friday, December 30, 2016

And A Happy New Year

So I've been thinking a lot about this past year, and overall, all I'll say is bleh. The general consensus was that it sucked the big one. I'll agree, but to be perfectly honest, this is how I've felt about the past several years, so it's weird to see everyone on my side here. Haha!

Even though this year didn't really go as planned, of course there were some good things that happened. So I've decided to try to pick my favorites to share instead of complaining about everything that went wrong. I had to dig deep because this year really was pretty crappy. Nothing new for me, but it's kinda depressing seeing everyone else on the same page...

So in chronological order, my favorite moments from 2016.

Little Eddie joined us in January! This has to be my favorite thing about 2016!

Miss Anzleigh turned one! She's almost two now. Crazy!

I got to go see my favorite band with my best friend! Again, but it never gets old! We're super bummed Parachute isn't coming to Atlanta on their next tour, so everyone cross your fingers that they decide to do a second leg and add Atl to it!

We had our annual family vacation at the beach! I am so thankful we are able to do this every year. This is typically the only time I get to see my family, so this is always my favorite week of the year.

And I got to meet this little guy! He is absolutely the happiest baby I've ever met. He would want to cry, but if you smiled at him, he couldn't help but smile back! Love him!

Alex turned three while we were at the beach this year, so I FINALLY got to be there for one of my little's birthdays! Hopefully I will be able to eventually make it up for a few visits for some other birthdays in the future!

In September, over my mom's break from school, we flew up north for a week! I hadn't been on an airplane since 2012 so that was exciting enough! But it was so nice to get a little extra family time this year!

Ella turned eight in October! Every year I can't believe how big she's gotten. It feels like just yesterday I was meeting her for the first time! And now she's in second grade. Unbelievable!

Lil Howie turned two! Hard to believe that it was two years ago that we went to the hospital to meet this little guy!

Kitzie came to town! Like I've said before, my family time is limited, so any time someone's in town for a visit, it's a big deal!

So Happy 2017 everybody! Hoping that THIS is my year and yours as well!

XOXO, Ness

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