Sunday, January 24, 2016

I'm 24 & It Feels A Little Weird

It's January! Actually, It's almost February. So some pictures from the family celebration.

Birthdays aren't as much fun as when you're little... This was an uneventful one, which is fine with me because that means nothing crappy happened! I have such a sunny outlook on life. Hah!

But 24 feels a little weird. It's not exactly that I feel old... I just feel like I've accomplished nothing for being this old! This is not where I thought I would be right now! But oh well. It is what it is, I guess.

This is just too cute.

A lot of times, the best pictures are the ones I'm taking while setting up.

This one definitely proves that theory right! Connor!

Sorry about the boobs... I so infrequently wear anything low cut these days, I forget.

A little more candid!

So many candles!

Whenever we get out this knife to cut the cake, Mom always tells the story about how Connor came downstairs with a huge knife when he was little. So here is the reenactment.

"Look it up on your funk and wagnall."

XOXO, Ness

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