Tuesday, December 8, 2015

My First Smash Cake!

My friend's little guy had his first birthday party this past weekend, and she asked me if I would do cookies, cupcakes, and his smash cake.

So of course I said YES! But I did get a little nervous about the cake... I know I can make cookies and I know I can make cupcakes. I also know I can make cakes, but could I make one cute enough for a smash cake??

I looked at some on Pinterest and Instagram and found something that was cute and seemed easy enough to do. I did a few practice cakes and they all turned out well!

It wasn't too hard, and I'd love to do it again! I'd even like to try doing a photo session with one in the future! I saw some really cute ones while I was researching, and I think it would be so much fun to try!

And I'm working on a video of the party! Coming soon!

Got this idea from a cake I saw on Instagram, and it wasn't too hard to make! The hardest part was downloading the font. Hah!

If anyone ever finds REGULAR, RED SPRINKLES, please let me know! Because I couldn't find them anywhere.

Cat in the Hat cookies!

Treat table. So cute!

I was honored to have this little guy destroy my cake!

XOXO, Ness

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