Monday, August 24, 2015

End of Summer Cookies & Grandma's Birthday

For my grandma's 75th birthday, I decided to make her some summer themed cookies.

I've wanted to do a video of the cookie backing/decorating process for a while, so since these cookies didn't have a strict deadline, I decided bite the bullet and try it out on this batch!

Let me tell you, filming this was the BIGGEST pain in the ass. I don't know how people do instructional videos for any kind of cooking or baking or probably anything, actually, because it was ridiculous. New respect for those people, for sure. It slowed the process down SO MUCH. I think if someone else had been filming it or if I had been filming someone else doing it, it would have been a million times easier or faster at the very least. But, I used the only resource I had, me. Hah!

It all worked out. My mom told me I was weird. My dad got in the way. I delayed Connor's dinner after work because I was using the oven. I was up until 2 in the morning finishing up. But it's done! It didn't turn out quite how I pictured it, but I'm learning that nothing looks exactly how I wanted to or how I imagined it in my head. But that's okay. As long as it looks good, doesn't matter to me.

It also turned out to be a lot longer than I thought it would be! I was hoping for between a minute and a minute and 15 seconds, but that didn't happen either. Just too much to include to keep it that short! I even cut out a bunch of stuff too!

Anyways, without further adieu, here it is! Enjoy!

Family picture after birthday cake.
The lighting was terrible! And there wasn't much time for me to figure out how to set up because they were NOT in a waiting mood! Oh well. Looks okay, but I'm not very happy with it! Need a few more lessons on my camera apparently! This is what I get for insisting not to shoot on auto!

The ice cream cones looked the weirdest before and while I was decorating them, but they turned out to be my favorites out of these!

XOXO, Ness

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