Wednesday, May 20, 2015

What Are We Turning Into?

I'm moving back to the lighter side of things because I have a complaint. Possibly a concern.

I saw a recipe for "Cookie Dough Cookies," and I just can't let it go... Have we really turned so many things cookie dough flavor that we forget what happens to it when we bake it? IT TURNS INTO A COOKIE. There's no more dough because IT IS NOW A COOKIE. When you apply heat, IT TURNS INTO A COOKIE.

Got that? Cookie dough only remains in dough form as long as it isn't baked.

And okay, maybe they were no bake or whatever, I didn't actually read the recipe because NOPE, but still. If they aren't baked, then they're just cookie dough balls/bites/patties. Come on! Cookie dough cookies?! That can't be a thing! I won't allow it!

Same idea with cake batter. I pinned a recipe for cake batter cheese cake the other day, and I just thought, "wait wtf?" Cheesecake is cheesecake. Why are we making it cake batter flavored?? Not everything can be cake batter flavored. Can it?

I have a similar gripe with homemade.

Pop-Tarts. Why on God's green earth would you want to make your own Pop-Tarts?

It's not cheaper to make your own. MAYBE they're a little healthier, but I really doubt it. And it's such a waste of time! Of all the things on my list to make from scratch, Pop-Tarts are dead last.

Then there's all the other homemade non food items.

  • Homemade toothpaste
  • Homemade lip balm
  • Homemade cooking spray
  • Homemade baby wipes
  • Homemade deodorant
  • Homemade breath mints
  • Homemade shampoo
  • Homemade foot scrub
  • Homemade body butter

You get the picture.

Did we time travel back back to the early 1900s and no one told me?!

Apparently there are a lot of people that are really into this, but I just don't see it. Call me a diva, but I prefer to buy my shampoo and deodorant from a store.

Sometimes I can understand the need for various homemade products, because of allergies and whatnot, but most of them just seem like insane hipster activities to me. "All natural." Sorry, but I have a hard time believing much of anything is all natural. Call me a skeptic.

And those "marbled mugs" I see everywhere that you're supposed to make with nail polish? Okay, yes, they are cute when you make them, but here is the issue I have: when I wear nail polish on my finger nails, it chips off. And I don't run my hands through the dishwasher. So. Hmm....

I'm just so confused by a lot of it. The claim is to save money, but after you BUY all the ingredients or supplies for these things, how? I mean, I guess in the long run, maybe? But I just can't picture it. I watched a video for homemade lip balm, and how much of it do you need?! (I am a hoarder of all lip balms, but I think I'm the exception, not the rule. And I know that I'll never be able to use all of my lip balm in my lifetime. I'll still keep buying it, too. Ha.)

I mean, making your own lip balm might be a really fun activity for an 8 year old girl's birthday party, (actually, I'm sure I would have had an insanely fun time with that. I still might. But that's just because of my obsession for lip balms) but I can't think of another occasion that would require 20 little tubs of homemade lip balm.

Here's part of my collection... There's quite a bit missing!

Anyways. That was kind of a rant, but I just have so many questions about the reasoning behind all of this. I guess I'm just not a do it yourselfer!

I'm curious to see what people have made themselves, about the outcome, and why they made what they did.


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