Wednesday, May 20, 2015

What Are We Turning Into?

I'm moving back to the lighter side of things because I have a complaint. Possibly a concern.

I saw a recipe for "Cookie Dough Cookies," and I just can't let it go... Have we really turned so many things cookie dough flavor that we forget what happens to it when we bake it? IT TURNS INTO A COOKIE. There's no more dough because IT IS NOW A COOKIE. When you apply heat, IT TURNS INTO A COOKIE.

Got that? Cookie dough only remains in dough form as long as it isn't baked.

And okay, maybe they were no bake or whatever, I didn't actually read the recipe because NOPE, but still. If they aren't baked, then they're just cookie dough balls/bites/patties. Come on! Cookie dough cookies?! That can't be a thing! I won't allow it!

Same idea with cake batter. I pinned a recipe for cake batter cheese cake the other day, and I just thought, "wait wtf?" Cheesecake is cheesecake. Why are we making it cake batter flavored?? Not everything can be cake batter flavored. Can it?

I have a similar gripe with homemade.

Pop-Tarts. Why on God's green earth would you want to make your own Pop-Tarts?

It's not cheaper to make your own. MAYBE they're a little healthier, but I really doubt it. And it's such a waste of time! Of all the things on my list to make from scratch, Pop-Tarts are dead last.

Then there's all the other homemade non food items.

  • Homemade toothpaste
  • Homemade lip balm
  • Homemade cooking spray
  • Homemade baby wipes
  • Homemade deodorant
  • Homemade breath mints
  • Homemade shampoo
  • Homemade foot scrub
  • Homemade body butter

You get the picture.

Did we time travel back back to the early 1900s and no one told me?!

Apparently there are a lot of people that are really into this, but I just don't see it. Call me a diva, but I prefer to buy my shampoo and deodorant from a store.

Sometimes I can understand the need for various homemade products, because of allergies and whatnot, but most of them just seem like insane hipster activities to me. "All natural." Sorry, but I have a hard time believing much of anything is all natural. Call me a skeptic.

And those "marbled mugs" I see everywhere that you're supposed to make with nail polish? Okay, yes, they are cute when you make them, but here is the issue I have: when I wear nail polish on my finger nails, it chips off. And I don't run my hands through the dishwasher. So. Hmm....

I'm just so confused by a lot of it. The claim is to save money, but after you BUY all the ingredients or supplies for these things, how? I mean, I guess in the long run, maybe? But I just can't picture it. I watched a video for homemade lip balm, and how much of it do you need?! (I am a hoarder of all lip balms, but I think I'm the exception, not the rule. And I know that I'll never be able to use all of my lip balm in my lifetime. I'll still keep buying it, too. Ha.)

I mean, making your own lip balm might be a really fun activity for an 8 year old girl's birthday party, (actually, I'm sure I would have had an insanely fun time with that. I still might. But that's just because of my obsession for lip balms) but I can't think of another occasion that would require 20 little tubs of homemade lip balm.

Here's part of my collection... There's quite a bit missing!

Anyways. That was kind of a rant, but I just have so many questions about the reasoning behind all of this. I guess I'm just not a do it yourselfer!

I'm curious to see what people have made themselves, about the outcome, and why they made what they did.


Monday, May 11, 2015

It's All Over But the Crying

I got my degree. That's a weird thing to say. It's a goal I've had for as long as I can remember: go to college and get a degree. And now it's done.

I can't think of anything else I've worked this hard for.

And it's just over.

I don't feel sad that I'm done with college, I just can't believe it. This is what I've been planning for for the last, what, 10 years, and now it's here! It's insane. It's easy to talk about my next move, but it's completely another to actually do it. I'm not really sure what my next big goal is, other than getting a job, because this was the biggest thing I think I've ever done in my life.

So the job hunt continues. I know now's not the time to be picky, but I really don't want to hate my job. So my current criteria:

  • I'll be good at it
  • I won't hate it
  • I won't have to be a salesperson
  • It's in one of my two desired locations
  • Preferably in the communications industry

I don't think that's too much to ask for.

Even though I'm not sold on essentially brainwashing all high school students into believing college is the only way to go, I'm proud of myself. I worked hard for my degree, and despite everything I'm feeling about my career choices right now, I'm glad to have it.

But let's be real, I'm even more glad to be done.

So here's hoping I get a call or an email soon saying, "WE WANT YOU!" Or even just, "Eh, we'll give you a shot." Because that's all I'm asking for!

Til then...