Thursday, July 21, 2016

SGI 2016 Video

I want to go back...

XOXO, Ness

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Missing the Beach Already

Rockin' Ella's shades. I believe the quote after he put them on was, "It's dark out here!"
Swim practice ;)
The happiest baby I've ever met!

Captain Adorable is right!

That little scrunched up nose!

Her flying hair creating a blurring effect... Kinda cool!

The girls!
And the guys!

This was the best I got of all the littles together...

Birthday Boy!
Mom was upset that there weren't any pictures on my camera of me...
My mom brought out my camera to take pictures of me, and I thought it was still on auto from the night before, but it wasn't... So all the pictures turned out kinda blue and way too white. I tried but I couldn't couldn't edit them to make them look normal so... black and white!!

Mr. Happy!

Every year I expect (mostly hope and pray) that family pictures will get better, easier, but every year they get even crazier.

This year, my main issue was the lighting! I knew, I told myself earlier in the week when I was out on the beach and saw the lighting: "Come out for pictures at 8."

I knew this, but when I saw the beach from the deck, there were still lots of sunny areas and shade covering, I thought, nooooo, 8:30 for sure! Also we had a minor wardrobe crisis and Eddie was in the middle of a nap, so I thought it would be perfect to wait until 8:30. Wrong!

Our group picture was in pretty good lighting, but the rest were kind of a disaster, in my eyes anyways.

For the first time in over a year, I had to switch to auto mode on my camera! It pained me to do it, but the lighting was just so bad, and getting worse by the minute, I didn't have time to fiddle with it!

So eh. They are what they are.

Missing the beach on my first day back to work! I'm already counting down to our trip next year!

XOXO, Ness