Friday, November 27, 2015

Remember, Remember. I Almost Missed November.

November is nearing its end. And I haven't posted anything yet! Oops. It's been a busy, busy month with a lot of change and adjustments!

I've never been a huge fan of change, but sometimes it is a good thing! When I started my job, I figured I would be there for a while. I wanted to be somewhere doing something and making money and all that good stuff. I thought I would stay there for a bit to save up, buy some new camera gadgets, then move on to something else.

But I was miserable. I was on the phone literally all day and it was just not for me. At all. All the people I worked with were so nice, and I felt bad about leaving, but I just did not like it.

Honestly, I'm kind of (just a tiny bit) proud of myself for quitting. I know myself pretty well, and change is hard for me. Especially big change. Granted, I was only there for a very short time, so it wasn't a huge leap, but still. Before I even started, I was worried that I would get comfortable and never leave even if I had a better opportunity.

But I did. So I had a few interviews, one was particularly ridiculous. I won't name any names, but it was an all day interview that involved an Uber to a Wal-Mart in downtown Atlanta. I mean, it was very flattering that they liked me and offered me a position. Seriously. I've been job hunting since May (or more like February or March), and I was starting to take it personally. So even getting offered interviews was the most amazing thing ever, but then getting offered a few different positions... That was new for me. A nice change of pace, for sure.

Ultimately, I decided to quit my job when I started getting calls for interviews. I started applying again almost immediately after I started because I figured it would take a while to find something. It really is true, it's easier to find a job when you have a job! But I couldn't be calling in sick to work every other day to go to the interviews. That wouldn't be suspicious at all...

Anyways... I'm currently working at Hallmark in Canton, so if you're ever bored, come see me! Of course, it was a change and I had a lot to learn, and I still have a lot more to learn, and it's not full time but I am SO much happier. And for right now, it's enough, and I actually don't mind that it's not full time. I don't have a ton of bills right now, so as long as I'm getting paid something, I'm good.

Everyone there is so nice, and I just can't stress enough how much I love not being on the phone all day! And so far all the customers have been super nice! Not like all the grouches I talked to on the phone!

So, here's to new beginnings. And here's to hoping that this one sticks for a while!

Here's a little preview of the family Christmas pictures this year!

XOXO, Ness