Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Not So Smooth Travels

I’ve journeyed up north so many times in my lifetime that I wouldn't even be able to try to count, and just about every time, things have gone relatively smoothly. Sans one year on the trip home when I was about 10 that the alternator blew out in my mom’s Safari. But I was 10 – I really didn't care. Okay, I cared. But I didn’t have to deal with it.

But this time, I can say with certainty, it was the trip from Hell.

My mom and I left our house (three minutes early!) at about 5 AM. My mom said she got about one and a half hours of sleep, and I didn’t get a wink. I laid in bed with my eyes wide open from midnight to 3 AM. I finally decided to get up early because sleep was not in the cards.

So we both started out exhausted already. My mom always takes first shift driving. Morning’s not really my bag.

We were both pretty awake for the first couple hours, and I caught a 15 minute catnap right after Chattanooga. Then disaster struck (it’s possible I’m being a little dramatic).

Oil life: 4%.

Now, I know exactly nothing about cars, but I know that’s not good.

And I was confused because I was 1,300 miles away from the mileage and one month from when I was supposed to get my oil changed next… So what the frack?!

I know you can go over your mileage or whatever, but honestly, we were 3 hours into an 18 hour trip, so my mom and I were not in the gambling mood.

We were coming up on Murfreesboro, TN, so we decided that we’d try to find a place to get the oil changed. *huge sigh*

I looked it up on my phone, and since it was so early AND we had just crossed into central time, I could only find one freaking place that was open at 7 AM!

I mean, really, though? Who is open at 7 AM on a Saturday? I think we were lucky to find this place. But then actually finding it was another thing. Yikes. Both my mom and I are both exceptionally directionally challenged even with GPS, so it took us a couple tries to get there.

But we did, and they told us it would be an hour wait… So we waited. I swear time was standing still. One cool thing about the place we stopped though, you could actually watch the mechanics work on the cars. There was a big glass wall between the waiting area and the work stations (?). I thought it was pretty cool. Every other place I’ve ever been they take your car somewhere else while you sit in the waiting room reading an old magazine wondering if they’re trying to pull any funny business on you.

I’ve never given it much thought before, but it was kind of comforting that I could pretty much see what everyone was doing.

So two hours later, we were back on the road. Now exhausted AND perturbed.

It definitely could have gone worse… Definitely. But as far as all the travel experiences I’ve had, this one was the worst. If I had been fully rested, I think it would have been fine… But I was not.

And since both my mom and I almost fell asleep at the wheel, we have decided that on the way home and for any future road trips, we will be springing for a hotel. Because neither of us care to ever do that again.

Anyways. We made it. Now with 4,000 more miles to run on my oil. So thanks, Quick Lane of Murfreesboro. Without you, we still probably would have made it, but I might have an ulcer right now because I would have worried about it the whole way.

We've been in Clear Lake for a week and a half now, and it's the same as ever!


Infamous water tower!

This girl!

Love this. Wish I could remember what she was doing! 
I'm sure she's telling me something very important ;) 
The view from the farm. One of my favorites. 
 Farm sunset

Clear Lake

Thursday, June 4, 2015

I Got A Camera!

So as a little graduation gift to myself, and kinda from my grandparents, I bought myself my first DSLR camera. And no, I'm still not sure what DSLR means. It stands for Digital Single-Lens Reflex, but I have little or no idea what it is.

I was so excited when the FedEx guy dropped it off! Then I opened the box and was thoroughly confused. I have a lot to learn, that's for sure.

But I actually did a lot of research before I purchased it. And in case you care, this was what I found out:

  • If you want a camera solely for photography, Nikon is the way to go
  • If you want a camera solely for video, Sony is the best choice
  • But if you want to take photos and video, Canon is the best of both worlds

So, I knew I wanted a Canon. But that was only half the battle. Once I chose the brand, there were SO many camera bodies to choose from. I mean, they have cameras that are 5, 6, $7,000. Wut. And don't even get me started on lenses. There are some lenses that are 5 times as expensive as my entire kit! I even saw one for $13,000. I can't even comprehend that!

Actually, price was kind of the reason I decided to go ahead and get it now. Regularly, the camera I chose was $750, and it was on sale for $450 until the end of May... So I went for it.

This was the biggest purchase I've made since I bought my computer 5 years ago... It made me a little nauseas actually. If I spend over $100 (or $50. The college kid in me. Ha!), it always makes me cringe a little!

I wound up getting the EOS Rebel T5 18-55 IS II Kit. I don't think it was the cheapest option, but damn close. There was another kit with only one lens, but I chose to get one that included two lenses.

Here it is! I love it!

There was another camera I was looking at because it has a touchscreen and the screen flips out, Rebel T5i, but that one was $200 more... A part of me wishes I would have gone for it, but a bigger part of me, and my bank account, thinks it was a good idea to get the the T5. But it's a good starter camera either way.

So now I'm trying to figure out how to use the thing. And I'm also bookmarking accessories and software that I need to save up for! 
  • ONA camera bag. This one.
    • I got a cheaper bag on Amazon, but this one looks smaller and easier to handle
  • Bloom Theory camera strap. I love the scarf ones! They just look so comfortable. They also have some really cute ones on Etsy, and those are much cheaper, so maybe I will get one of those! Can't decide what I like more: scarf ones or the ones that have lens holders.... hmmmm....
  • Lighting gear
  • Final Cut Pro X
  • Adobe Lightroom
  • InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop
    • InDesign and Illustrator don't really have much to do with photography or videography, but I still want to know how to use them!
  • Glidecam
    • This will wait a loooong time. It looks like it works really well and just super cool in general. But when I actually start trying to make videos, I think it will be worth it to stabilize shots. I've taken enough video to know how awful moving the camera and shaking looks. It honestly makes everything look so much nicer! Until then I'll just have to work with my tripod and monopod.

But in the meantime, the stuff I have now will be just fine. This is the camera bag I got. Not what I wanted, but so much cheaper!

Now I just need to find some people willing to let me practice on them! Connor wasn't so into it... But I still got a couple decent ones of him! Maybe Ella and Alex will be little hams for me this summer! I'd love to practice my video skills on them! Video just seems so much easier and natural to me, but I would also really like to figure out the photography end of it, too.

Eiffel Tower actually from Paris! Thanks, Bonnie!

I need to find something cool to reflect in these!

Tell me this cloud doesn't look like a T-Rex!

Editing can be kinda cool sometimes... 

I'll keep working on it!